
Community Partner Profile: Oxfam

Our Community Partner Profile series features companies and organizations that have supported the development of students’ global awareness, perspective, and engagement through mutually-beneficial partnerships with the Office of Global Learning. Each entry recaps past accomplishments and looks forward to the future.

Each summer, a group of FIU students visits Oxfam’s Washington, D.C. office to learn more about nonprofit careers working to eradicate global poverty, as part of Global Learning’s annual Transformation Contest.

Additionally, each academic year, one FIU student serves as an Oxfam CHANGE Leader, representing Oxfam’s anti-poverty programming by planning events such as the Oxfam Hunger Banquet to raise awareness about economic inequality around the world. Oxfam provides FIU CHANGE Leaders with training at a summer conference in Boston.

So excited to be a part of this amazing initiative. Ecstatic to #changetheworld #oxfamchangeleaders2017 #changeleaders2017 pic.twitter.com/wLwPrs5W9g

— John Llanera (@John_A_Llanera) July 29, 2017

In the coming year, Oxfam student leaders will be working on the Behind the Barcodes campaign. This campaign aims to raise the voices of the people who produce our food to ensure they are treated and paid fairly. Join Oxfam to help create a more equal and just food system–one that isn’t built on human suffering, discrimination, and unsafe working conditions.